Reminder to all VCFA clubs the 2024 AGM & Team Briefing is on March 26th at NewHope Baptist Church, 3 Springfield Rd, Blackburn North,
Format Juniors briefing at 6:30pm, Seniors at 7:30pm sharp.
During this time you will be advised of any changes to the upcoming season, match rule updates, receive your competition match balls, and have the opportunity to ask questions of the Board.
Club attendance at the Team Briefings is highly encouraged, the expectation is a Club Executive Member and Junior and Senior Co-Ordinator's as appropriate attend so as to facilitate the disseminating of the information within their Club
The AGM will follow at 8:30pm, All affiliate clubs must be in attendance.
There are three VCFA Board positions up for election:
Treasurer - Vacant
Vice President - Vacant
General Member - Vacant
If you are interested in nomination for any above positions please let us know.